It’s here!
Uitweg is published by the wonderful Oogachtend and is coming out March 8th to the Dutch speaking public. Hopefully there will be some translations in the future, when they happen you will hear about it 🙂

Crowd Funding my new book
My next book tackles the complex and (sadly) very relevant topic of reproductive justice. It’s a topic which is close to my heart and which I believe people should talk about more. I’m working hard on making this graphic novel the best it can be, and for that I could use some support. Which is why I started a crowd funding campaign! Check it out, spread the word, and share it with people who would like to read a comic about the right to abortion and the solidarity movement which helps so many people execute their basic human rights. THANKS!!!

Reviews / Recensies of Alle dagen ui!

You can read the NRC article here!

Alle dagen ui in the media!

Above: Article in Trouw (Dutch newspaper). Read it also online!
Below: An article about Alle dagen ui in the Belgian newspaper De Morgen!

Article about ‘Alle dagen ui’ in the Amsterdam newspaper ‘Het Parool’! Read more about Saied’s story and experiences inside foreign detention. (In Dutch).

Everything is on hold until further notice.

Book launch Friday March 13th postponed due to corona.
It was supposed to be a festive and politically sharp event, we’ll make sure it happens the moment this all blows over.
Take care everyone!

Our next few presentations will take place at some great social centers / radical spaces / political bookstore. Saied and myself will be there to talk about the book and about the process of making it collaboratively. But most importantly Saied will share some experiences of his time in foreign detention and answer your questions on the topic. All events are free entrance, the book will be sold (and signed by request).